In Frankenberg-Eder, Hessen, a sports hall complex was to be designed based on the sports hall built in Rotenburg a.d. Fulda, taking into account the usage programs and spatial requirements formulated for the new location.
Construction of a two-court sports hall with an associated spectator gallery will begin on the Burgwald-Kaserne site in 2019. The single-storey extension houses the fitness room, functional and technical rooms and sanitary facilities. The extension is partially inserted into the hall building, with the area on the ceiling forming the spectator gallery for the hall.
The hall is constructed with reinforced concrete prefabricated columns and steel trusses. The walls between the columns are infilled with masonry. The extension is a classic masonry building with a reinforced concrete floor slab.
The visual appearance of the hall and extension is dominated by ventilated fiber cement facade panels. The sports hall features a continuous approximately 2.00 m high skylight band with partially operable windows and an external sun protection system, allowing for even illumination. Additional shading is provided by a special construction of external steel profiles with an overlaid grid.