
KITA Weltentdecker, Halle/Saale

On 23.06.2011 the newly built daycare center Weltentdecker at Böllberger Weg 180 A in Halle/Saale was ceremoniously inaugurated. The facility is designed for 170 children with 70 crèche places and is based on REGGIO pedagogy.

The construction was carried out on the basis of the design and approval planning, which reacts to the topographical conditions of the site. The two-storey building is designed as an angle that blends harmoniously into the tree population to be preserved.

The piazza, a central space in the entrance area, dominates the building. From here, in addition to the group rooms, the essential room functions, such as the children’s restaurant, exercise rooms and theatre rooms, are connected. Mobile room partitions allow for flexible room size design according to the care concept.

You can also find this project on our reference pages of public, educational and social buildings.

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