Lisa Karos

M.A., Architect, Qualified Specialist Planner for Preventive Fire Protection

2010 - 2013
Study of Architecture (Bachelor), HTWK Leipzig
Graduation Bachelor of Arts, HTWK Leipzig
2013 - 2015
Study of Architecture (Master), HTWK Leipzig
Graduation Master of Arts, HTWK Leipzig
2015 - 2016
Expert office for real estate valuation Matthias Brautzsch
2016 - 2018
Schneider Architekten, Leipzig
since 2019
Behzadi + Partner Architekten BDA, Leipzig
since 02/2022
Specialist planner for preventive fire protection
since 09/2022
Entry in the list of Qualified Fire Protection Planners, Chamber of Architects Saxony

Realized projects